According to information circulating in the Italian press the Industry Committee of the Italian Senate has just concluded its votes on the amendments to the Agriculture Decree, opening a gap with respect to the possibility of installing ground-mounted photovoltaic plants, which was restricted by the same. An amendment was approved for plants that have already […]
Lo scorso 25 giugno il Tavolo per il Coordinamento sulla finanza sostenibile – promosso dal Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e composto dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica, il Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, la Banca d’Italia, la Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB), l’Istituto per la vigilanza […]
On June 25th, the “Round Table on sustainable finance” – promoted by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and composed of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, the Bank of Italy, the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB), the Institute for Insurance […]
Lo scorso 19 giugno, l’Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni (IVASS) ha pubblicato gli esiti di un’indagine di mercato in materia polizze a copertura dei rischi catastrofali presenti sul mercato. La ricerca sorge in conformità dell’obbligo introdotto con la Legge di bilancio 2024, che impone alle imprese produttive di stipulare, entro il 31 dicembre 2024, […]
On June 19th, the Institute for Insurance Supervision (IVASS) published the results of a market survey on policies covering catastrophic risks available on the Italian market. The survey arises in compliance with the obligation introduced by the 2024 Budget Law, which requires companies to take out insurance coverage against catastrophic risks within December 31, 2024. […]
With order no. 16745 of 15 June 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation clarified the responsibilities of the construction manager. According to the Court, the construction manager is obliged to ensure that the works are executed in accordance with the project and comply with building regulations. However, this does not imply that the construction manager […]
Secondo la Corte di Cassazione (ordinanza del 17 giugno 2024, n. 16745), il direttore dei lavori ha la responsabilità di verificare che l’installazione sia eseguita in conformità al progetto e alle regole di costruzione. Per i giudici, tuttavia, ciò non significa che direttore dei lavori e appaltatore siano responsabili in solido per i difetti dell’opera […]
On June 25, 2024, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1772 of March 13, 2024, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 (the “DORA” Regulation). In accordance with the objective of the DORA Regulation, which aims to harmonize and streamline reporting obligations related to information and communication technology (ICT) incidents, […]
In data 25 giugno 2024 è stato pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’Unione Europea il Regolamento delegato (UE) 2024/1772 del 13 marzo 2024 , che integra il Regolamento (UE) 2022/2554 (Regolamento “DORA”). In conformità con l’obiettivo del Regolamento DORA, consistente nell’ armonizzare e razionalizzare gli obblighi di segnalazione degli incidenti connessi alle tecnologie dell’informazione e della […]
With Provision 147/2024 dated June 20, 2024, IVASS has introduced significant amendments to: Regulation 40/2018, laying down provisions on insurance and reinsurance distribution; Regulation 41/2018, on transparency, disclosure, and design of insurance products. IVASS acknowledged that the current provisions on distribution and pre-contractual disclosure have increased significantly the costs for operators to provide the information […]