L’EBA pubblica le Linee guida sull’onboarding remoto dei clienti

In data 22 novembre l’EBA ha pubblicato le Linee Guida sul rispetto degli obblighi di adeguata verifica a distanza della clientela in materia di antiriciclaggio, nel contesto delle soluzioni c.d.  di remote onboarding. Le Linee guida attuano la richiesta che la Commissione europea ha rivolto all’EBA nella propria comunicazione del settembre 2020 relativa alla Strategia […]

Privacy: Meta Ireland Fined 390 Million Euro

Illustrazione vettoriale ePrivacy aziendale globale

On 4 January 2023, the Irish Data Protection Authority (Data Protection Commission) announced that it had imposed two sanctions on Meta Ireland, of EUR 210 million for GDPR violations relating to Facebook and EUR 180 million for violations relating to Instagram, respectively. The inquiry carried out by the Irish Authority had been initiated following two […]

Privacy: sanzionata Meta Ireland per 390 milioni di euro

Il 4 gennaio 2023 l’Autorità per la protezione dei dati irlandese (Data Protection Commission) ha reso noto di aver comminato due sanzioni a Meta Ireland, rispettivamente di 210 milioni di euro per le violazioni del GDPR relative al servizio Facebook e di 180 milioni di euro per le violazioni relative al servizio Instagram. L’indagine svolta […]

EIOPA: The new methodology for assessing value for money / EIOPA : la nuova metodologia per valutare il valore per il denaro

On 31 October 2022, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published a new methodolgy for assessing value for money in the unit-linked market. The methodology outlines a common European approach concerning the identification of unit-linked products that may offer poor or no value for money and require monitoring by national competent authorities (NCAs) […]

ESMA – Call for Evidence on Greenwashing / ESMA – Call for Evidence sul Greenwashing

The three European supervisory authorities (EBA, EIOPA, ESMA – the so-called ESAs) launched a public consultation to gather information on greenwashing risks and practices in the banking, insurance and financial sector. The Call for Evidence stems from the need to better understand which sectors might become more susceptible to greenwashing, due to the increasing demand for […]

Customer Profiling – Consob publishes Discussion Paper No. 11 / Profilazione della clientela – Consob pubblica il Discussion Paper n. 11

Consob published in the Discussion Paper series a study titled “Customer profiling for suitability assessment purposes. Follow up of the 2012 study on a sample of Italian intermediaries“. The paper starts from the analysis of a previous 2012 Discussion Paper, expands its contents and follows its methodologtical approach with reference to the formats for the […]


On 8 November 2022, the President of IVASS, Luigi Federico Signorini, taking part during the Insurance Summit, organized by Il Sole 24 Ore in Milan, affirmed and praised the resilience of the Italian economy despite pandemic and the new crisis caused by Russia’s war. At the international level, indeed, the economy is suffering from war-related […]

Seminario “Impatto della Digitalizzazione sulla Supply Chain: I Documenti Elettronici e i Profili Giuridici””

Impatto della Digitalizzazione sulla Supply Chain
[EVENT] PGLegal is organizing a free LIVE and VIRTUAL Round Table Discussion on 29 November 2022. Session Topic: “IMPACT OF DIGITIZATION ON THE SUPPLY CHAIN: ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND LEGAL PROFILES” Register to Join the Virtual Session – dragoni@pglegal.it PGLegal sta organizzando Una Tavola Rotonda gratuita in modalità LIVE e VIRTUALE in programma il prossimo 29 […]


By Order No. 241 of 7 July 2022, the Italian Privacy Authority issued a favourable opinion in relation to the proposed amendment to Legislative Decree No. 231/2007 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of crime and financing terrorism. The aforementioned opinion had been requested […]