Video Games and Privacy Infringement: Voodoo is fined 3 Million Euros

Video Games and Privacy Infringement: Voodoo is fined 3 Million Euros

On 29th December 2022, the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés), the independent French administrative authority in charge of ensuring legal compliance with regards to the protection of personal information in the gathering, storing and processing of data, announced that it had issued a € 3 million fine to VOODOO SAS, a game […]

More than One out of Two Claims Brought Before the Financial Disputes Arbitrator Succeed

More than One out of Two Claims Brought Before the Financial Disputes Arbitrator Succeed

The compensation paid to Italian savers for financial disputes amounted to € 18 million in 2022, with an average compensation of € 28,000. These numbers have been published by the Financial Disputes Arbitrator (ACF), Consob’s body for the out-of-court settlements of disputes between intermediaries and their clients. The overall amounts of compensation awarded by the […]

Financial Education Initiatives on Fraud and Cyber Security

More than One out of Two Claims Brought Before the Financial Disputes Arbitrator Succeed

The three European supervisory authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA) published a joint thematic report on financial education initiatives on digitalisation, with a focus on cyber security, fraud and scams. The Report identifies best practices that NCAs and other public institutions may follow in designing and implementing their financial education initiatives. The authorities point out that […]

Financial Marketing Under Examination Of ESMA And NCAs

Financial Marketing Under Examination Of ESMA And NCAs

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has launched a joint supervisory action with the national competent authorities (NCAs) to monitor the implementation of the MiFID II disclosure rules on marketing communications in the European Union. This evaluation will take place during 2023. ESMA is aware of the key role that marketing communications and advertising […]

Intraprese iniziative di educazione finanziaria su truffe, frodi e sicurezza informatica

Le tre autorità di vigilanza europee (EBA, EIOPA e ESMA) hanno pubblicato un Rapporto tematico congiunto sulle iniziative nazionali di educazione finanziaria sulla digitalizzazione, con particolare attenzione alla sicurezza informatica, alle truffe e alle frodi. Il Rapporto identifica le buone pratiche che le autorità nazionali competenti (ANC) ed altri enti pubblici possono seguire nella progettazione e […]

Più di un ricorso su due viene accolto dall’Arbitro per le controversie finanziarie

I risarcimenti liquidati a favore dei risparmiatori italiani nell’ambito di controversie finanziarie sono stati pari a 18 milioni di euro nel 2022, con una media pro-capite che sfiora i 28 mila euro. Lo ha comunicato l’Arbitro per le controversie finanziarie (Acf), l’organo istituito presso la Consob per la risoluzione stragiudiziale delle controversie tra gli intermediari […]

Anti-Money Laundering in the Yachting Sector

Anti-Money Laundering in the Yachting Sector

Introduction  The continuing evolution of technology over the past decades has brought about momentous changes in every area of life. From the economy, to culture, to personal relationships everything seems to have been absorbed by it, and crime is no exception to this change, indeed it evolves by adapting. In fact, criminal infiltration emerges in […]

IVASS: public consultation on proposed amendments to IVASS Regulation no. 18 of 15 March 2016

IVASS Regulation no. 18 of 15 March 2016

IVASS has initiated the  public consultation procedure with regard to the some proposed amendments to IVASS Regulation no. 18 of 15 March 2016 concerning the rules for the determination of technical provisions referred to in Article 36-bis of the Private Insurance Code.The purpose of the amendments is to align the national rules with the EIOPA […]

Consob amends the Issuers’ Regulation

Consob modifica il Regolamento Emittenti

<strong>As of January 1, 2023, the rules on the key information that investment funds have to provide to savers have changed. </strong> According to the latest amendments to the <strong>Issuers</strong>'<strong> Regulation </strong>(Resolution No. 22551 of  December 21, 2022) approved by Consob in implementation of EU regulations, the Key Information Document (KID) already adopted for financial-insurance […]

EBA publishes Guidelines on Remote Client Onboarding

mano che tocca il pulsante con la scritta AML antiriciclaggio

On 22 November, EBA published its Guidelines on remote customer due diligence requirements related to AML, in the context of the so-called remote onboarding solutions. The Guidelines implement the request addressed, on September 2020, by the European Commission to EBA related to Digital Finance Strategy for the EU. They focus on the measures that credit […]