La Cassazione si è espressa nuovamente sul tema della responsabilità del professionista medico, con sentenza n. 5632 del 23 febbraio 2023. La Suprema Corte ha stabilito che, quando l’intervento fallisce, la colpa deve essere attribuita al medico se non si riesce ad accertare la misura dell’apporto concausale delle pregresse condizioni di salute del paziente. Non si […]
With sentence no. 5632 of 23 February 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation has ruled again on medical professional liability. The Court has ruled that, when an operation fails, the responsibility has to be attributed to the medical doctor if the extent of the causal contribution of the patient’s previous health condition cannot be established. […]
Gianfranco Puopolo and Lorenzo Ranieri will be attending the prestigious Palm Beach International Boat show taking place from 23 to 26 March 2023. The event is a leader in the boating and marine industry. It annually hosts over 50 thousands visitors from all over the world and hundreds of boats ranging from 8-foot inflatables to […]
Cantieri di Pisa is a long established luxury motor yacht builder in Italy and an iconic yacht brand, founded in 1945. With an extremely rich history, Cantieri di Pisa has delivered more than 700 yachts. After a period of inactivity, the shipyard was bought 18 months ago and is back in business to build and […]
Permanent Establishment (Agenzia delle Entrate Answer No. 96/2023) The Italian Tax Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate, “AE”) considers that the sale of tourist packages in Italy by a foreign company (established in Switzerland), including the charter of pleasure vessels, carried out exclusively from offices located outside the Italian territory and/or when such activity is carried out […]
La Commissione Europea ha convocato il 2 marzo a Bruxelles un “Meeting on the Retail Investment Strategy” focalizzato sul tema degli inducements. La Commissione, in questo incontro, ha inteso cercare uno spiraglio a favore dell’abolizione degli inducements, le retribuzioni con cui le imprese che creano prodotti finanziari pagano le reti di distribuzione, retrocedendo parte delle somme […]
ANIA has taken official actions against IVASS, sharing the agent´s concerns regarding operational difficulties linked to IVASS Regulation No. 51/2022, proving for the implementation of an online system comparing the offers of the insurance companies operating in the motor vehicle liability insurance in Italy, and the use of platform “Preventivass”. With a letter published by […]
The European Commission organised a “Meeting on the Retail Investment Strategy”‘ on 2 March in Brussels, focusing on the topic of inducements. The Commission intended to seek common ground in favour of an abolition of inducements, the remunerations with which the companies, that create financial products, pay to the distribution networks, by forwarding a part […]
L’ANIA ha intrapreso alcune iniziative ufficiali nei confronti dell’IVASS, condividendo con gli agenti la preoccupazione per le difficoltà operative legate al Regolamento IVASS n. 51/2022 – riguardante le disposizioni per la realizzazione di un sistema di comparazione on line tra imprese di assicurazione operanti in Italia nel ramo RCA – e all’utilizzo del Preventivass. In una circolare dell’associazione, […]
Like any modern novelty for which no updated legal framework exists, and notably in the intangible realm of technology, the arrival of NFTs in the world of business comes with a wealth of legal challenges, particularly in relation to intellectual property rights and copyright infringements. What is the relationship between NFTs and trademarks? Can an […]