The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published its analysis of exposures of securities, markets, and asset management of the EU to the real estate sector. According to ESMA’s analysis, studies conducted revealed (i) an increased levels of indebtedness within the real estate sector, leading to risk implications for non-bank financial market participants, and […]
L’Autorità di regolamentazione e di vigilanza dei mercati finanziari dell’UE (ESMA) ha pubblicato la sua analisi delle esposizioni dei titoli, dei mercati e del settore della gestione patrimoniale dell’UE nei confronti del settore immobiliare. Secondo l’analisi dell’ESMA, dagli studi condotti è emerso che (i) i livelli di indebitamento all’interno del settore immobiliare sono aumentati, comportando […]
L’intelligenza artificiale (Artificial Intelligence, “AI”) è la tecnologia che permette di simulare i processi dell’intelligenza umana attraverso la creazione e l’applicazione di algoritmi integrati in un ambiente di calcolo dinamico. In parole semplici, l’AI si propone di dar vita a computer in grado di pensare e agire similmente agli esseri umani. Come noto, l’AI sta […]
On January 25, 2024, the Institute for the Supervision of Insurance (IVASS) issued a letter to the market regarding dormant life insurance policies, i.e., policies that haven’t been claimed by beneficiaries and are held by insurance companies awaiting expiration. In this regard, IVASS, in a letter dated November 22, 2023, had already provided insurance companies […]
On January 15, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) released its report on the implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), regulating the distribution and design of insurance products in the EU since 2018. The report examines the developments in insurance distribution over the past two years. Compared to the previous report, EIOPA […]
Lo scorso 18 gennaio, l’Autorità Bancaria Europea (EBA), ha avviato una pubblica consultazione sulla bozza di Linee Guida relativa alla gestione dei rischi ambientali, sociali e di governance (Environmental Social Governance – ESG), che stabilisce dei requisiti che gli enti creditizi devono integrare nei loro processi ai fini dell’identificazione, della misurazione, gestione e monitoraggio di tali […]
On January 18th, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a draft of the Guidelines for the management of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. These guidelines establish requirements that credit institutions must integrate into their processes for the identification, measurement, management, and monitoring of such risks. Given the constant challenges posed to the economy by […]
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is the technology of simulating human intelligence processes through the creation and application of algorithms embedded in a dynamic computing environment. To simplify, AI aims at creating computers which can think and act similarly to humans. It is notorious that AI is overwhelmingly spreading, with unpredictable outcomes. In this context, on December […]
The Italian Chamber of Deputies has recently approved the “Made in Italy” Draft Law on Yachting, resulting from the discussion between “Confindustria Nautica”, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports and the draft law’s rapporteurs. The draft law will have to be approved by the Senate. The novelties, […]
Le tre autorità europee di vigilanza (“ESAs”) e cioè European Banking Authority (“EBA”), European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (“EIOPA”) e European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA”) hanno pubblicato in data 17 gennaio 2024 il primo set di standard tecnici in attuazione del Regolamento EU 2022/2554 (Digital Operational Resilience Act o “DORA”), entrato in vigore […]