On April 18-19 2024, a meeting of the association Confconsumatori with the title “Generation F: comparisons, reflections, and ideas for a more sustainable financial and insurance future”, dedicated to the financial and insurance future of citizens took place in Parma.
During the first day, inter alia, the theme of life insurance policies Branch I, Branch III, and regulatory perspectives, and supplementary pension, long-term care, and illness policies have been addressed.
In the debate, Riccardo Cesari, a director with the Institute for the Supervision of Insurance (IVASS), delivered a lecture, presenting on how demographic and economic dynamics impact life branches of the insurance sector and how regulatory and product innovations are necessary to adapt the sector to an evolving environment.
Mr Cesari also presented some scenarios aiming at the improvement of the welfare system – in view of the declining birth rate and the deceleration of PIL with a simultaneous increase in unemployment – in order to better respond to future needs, especially regarding the growing importance of long-term care.