Unauthorized Telemarketing: 10 Million Euro Fine from the Privacy Authority to an Energy and Gas Supplier

The Privacy Authority, as part of its efforts to fight against unauthorized telemarketing, recently imposed a 10 million euro fine on Axpo Italia Spa, an energy producer and supplier of gas and electricity. The penalty was issued in response to numerous users’ complaints regarding the company’s activation of unsolicited contracts in their names through the use of […]

MEFOP – Working Table on Community Themes

On November 13, on the Google Meet platform, it was possible to attend a video conference of the MEFOP Working Table, during which various relevant subject matters relevant to EU legislation were discussed. These included the revision of the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), updates regarding the DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act), and a proposal […]

ABI – Communication on Engagement (Coe)

On November 11, the Italian Banking Association (ABI) published on its website the fifth edition of the “Communication on Engagement” aimed at promoting the development of an economic model that considers social, environmental, and climate imbalances. The statement describes the activities carried out by ABI from 2021 to the early months of 2023 in line […]

EIOPA – Published the Insurance Risk Dashboard

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has released the Insurance Risk Dashboard for November 2023 on its website. The Risk Dashboard, based on Solvency II data, summarizes the key risks and vulnerabilities of the insurance sector in the European Union through a set of risk indicators. The data is based on financial stability […]

Privacy Authority – Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

During the 45th Global Privacy Assembly, a conference bringing together all data protection authorities worldwide, held from October 15 to 20 in Hamilton, Bermuda, one of the hot topics was artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI (such as ChatGPT). The Privacy Authority collaborated with German and UK authorities to draft a resolution on the use of […]

Bank of Italy – Exploratory Survey on the interest in the conduction of activities under MiCAR

On November 8, Banca d’Italia, in collaboration with CONSOB and in partnership with the Financial Agents and Credit Mediators Authority (OAM), announced its intention to conduct an exploratory survey to understand the level of interest in Italy in conducting activities falling within the scope of the EU Regulation No. 2023/1114 – MiCAR (Market in Crypto-Assets […]

EIOPA – Technical Information on Risk-Free Interest Rate Term Structures

On November 7, 2023, EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) published the  technical information on relevant structures for risk-free interest rates, the so-called RFR (Risk-Free Rate), with reference to the month of October on its website. Pursuant to the Solvency II Directive EIOPA is held to publish such information periodically. In accordance this obligation, […]

Banca d’Italia – Reporting Obligation under Article 11 Legislative Decree No. 11/2010

With communication published on October 30th  on the website of the Banca d’Italia, the criteria to be fulfilled in order to suspend the reimbursement of unauthorized transactions by Payment Service Providers (PSPs), as well as the necessary procedures for the reporting of such suspension, have been specified. In compliance with the reporting obligation under article […]

EBA – Consultation with ESMA on Suitability Assessments under MiCAR

On October 20th, the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a consultation document on two joint guideline drafts that aim at  providing the national  Authorities with a common methodology to assess the suitability of board members, shareholders, holders of qualifying holdings in ART (Asset Referenced Token) issuers and […]

Letter to the Market on POG – Extension of Filing Term

With communication published on October 6 on IVASS’ homepage, the Authority has extended the term for the filing of comments and observation to the draft of the letter to the market regarding the expectations of the Italian Surveillance Authority on the implementation of the POG, published for public consultation on October 6, to November 13, […]