ESAs – Joint Consultation Launched on the Second Series of Strategic Tasks Under DORA

The ESAs (EBA, ESMA, and EIOPA) initiated a public consultation on December 8 regarding the second set of political mandates under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). DORA aims to comprehensively address ICT risk management in the financial services sector and harmonize the existing regulations on ICT risk management in each EU State. For this […]

EIOPA – Feedback on Approaches to Combat Greenwashing

On December 12, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) launched a public consultation on the draft opinion regarding sustainability disclosures and greenwashing. The increasing global awareness of sustainability has led more insurance consumers and pension savers to invest in sustainable products. However, there has been a rise in greenwashing phenomena involving marketing techniques […]

Consob – Regulation for Finance on DLT Platforms

The public authority responsible for regulating the Italian financial markets (Consob) announced on 11 December that, following the conclusion of its public consultation with the market, it had adopted the Regulation aimed at governing the circulation of financial instruments based on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), as provided for in Legislative Decree No. 25/2923 (Fintech Decree). […]

ANIA – Guidelines against fake insurance websites

The National Association of Insurance Companies (ANIA), by means of a statement published on its website, announces the creation of guidelines addressed to insurance companies to prevent and combat the spread of websites containing false insurance policies. As stated by the Association, the phenomenon of “fake” sites is increasingly widespread, and scammers often replicate perfectly […]

The Italian Data Protection Authority and the National Cybersecurity Agency have approved the “Guidelines on cryptographic functions – password storage”

On December 12, 2023, the Italian Data Protection Authority and the National Cybersecurity Agency approved the “Guidelines on cryptographic functions – password protection” (“Guidelines”). The purpose of the Guidelines is to provide recommendations on cryptographic functions deemed currently most secure for protecting the passwords of users stored within systems of companies and administrations acting as […]

ANIA – Committee for the Study and Analysis of Issues Related to Medical Malpractice

In March 2023, the Committee for the study and analysis of issues related to medical malpractice has been established at the Ministry of Justice. Its objective is to examine the current legislation and jurisprudence on the matter of medical malpractice, discussing limitations and critical aspects, and potentially proposing regulatory interventions. The National Association of Insurance […]

ESAs – Fact Sheet on Investments, Loans, Insurances, and pensions

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA) have published a fact sheet with the title: «Investments, loans, insurances, or pensions with sustainable characteristics: what to know?», addressing the main questions brought by  consumers regarding sustainable finance. The purpose of the fact sheet is to provide guidance to consumers considering purchasing financial products with […]

VAT on Charter fees – ITALIAN REVENUE AGENCY assessments for years 2017-2020

Introduction The Italian Tax Agency has been carrying out an intense audit activity on a significant number of yachts that have carried out charters started in Italy during the period 2017/2020.  The scope of the audits is to reclaim the VAT balance that should have been paid by the yacht owners on charters started in […]