In response to the question raised by an Italian company (“Alfa Srl”), specializing in the rental and leasing of passenger vessels, the Italian Revenue Agency (“Agenzia delle Entrate”) has issued a crucial resolution (Risposta n. 1/2025) that allows to apply for VAT exemption on a yacht undergoing a “major refit”. The resolution revolves around the […]
Author Archives: Domenico Rinaldi
Flavio Briatore, after having been definitively acquitted of charges of tax fraud concerning his yacht “Force Blue,” has commenced legal proceedings before the Court of Turin to claim damages against both the court appointed administrator and certain judicial authorities involved in the case. Specifically, Mr Briatore is claiming EUR 12.66 million to compensate damages for […]
Si informa che PG Legal ha sviluppato un processo di total outsourcing per consentire alle compagnie di assicurazione vita di delegare al nostro studio l’intera procedura di consultazione della piattaforma PDND – Anagrafe Nazionale della Popolazione Residente, senza alcun coinvolgimento dei sistemi informativi interni alla compagnia. Per ulteriori informazioni contattare Domenico Rinaldi, d.rinaldi@pglegal, Tel: +39 […]
It is noted that PG Legal has developed a total outsourcing process, allowing life insurance companies to delegate the entire procedure for consulting the PDND platform – National Register of Resident Population – to our firm, without any involvement of the company’s internal local IT systems. For further information contact Domenico Rinaldi, d.rinaldi@pglegal, Tel: 39 […]
Introduction The Italian Tax Agency has been carrying out an intense audit activity on a significant number of yachts that have carried out charters started in Italy during the period 2017/2020. The scope of the audits is to reclaim the VAT balance that should have been paid by the yacht owners on charters started in […]
Introduction It has come to our attention that the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate, ‘AE’) is conducting investigations into the VAT charged on charter fees by certain charter/yacht owning entities in relation to charter contracts signed before 1 November 2020. In these cases, the AE contested the use of flat-rate reduction of the VAT […]
L’art. 44, comma 2, del D.L. 48/2023, pubblicato sulla gazzetta ufficiale il 4 maggio 2023, ha previsto l’aumento allo 0,6% dell’aliquota dell’Imposta sulle Riserve Matematiche – IRM (e, di conseguenza, dell’aliquota dell’Imposta sul Valore dei Contratti Assicurativi – IVCA) per l’esercizio 2023 e allo 0,5% a partire dall’esercizio 2024. Ad oggi non è chiaro se […]
Art. 44, paragraph 2, of Decree-Law 48/2023, published in the Official Gazette on 4 May 2023, provides for an increase in the TMR rate (and consequently the IVCA rate) to 0.6% as from the 2023 tax year. To date, it is unclear whether the new rate will apply immediately to the payment due on 30 […]
The change The Italian Legislative Decree n. 156/2022 amended article 301 of the TULD (Italian Consolidated Text of Custom Laws), allowing the possibility of equivalent value confiscation for the offence of smuggling when it is not possible to proceed with the direct confiscation of the product or the profit of the crime. The introduction of […]
From a fiscal point of view, careful attention should be paid to VAT issues. When purchasing from an Italian shipyard, the general rule is that the price is subject to 22% VAT. However, there are some specific cases in which it is possible to take advantage of Legal non-taxable regimes . In particular: ■ In […]
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