We’re delighted to announce that Gianfranco Puopolo and Lorenzo Ranieri will be attending the 1st Annual IYBA/MYBA Summit at the Monaco Yacht Club on May 10th and 11th.
This two-day event will delve deep into the superyacht industry and provide an expert view on sustainability, shipyard contracts, insurance, professional standards and more.
On 11 May, Gianfranco Puopolo will explore the topics of Crypto, Blockchain and NFT, sharing his knowledge and experience in this area gained advising clients on yacht transactions.
We look forward to seeing everyone there and if you’d like to organise a meeting, please drop us a line at yachtingteam@pglegal.it.
Event page: https://www.linkedin.com/events/iyba-mybasummit7055190230403796992/about/